====== General Infos/FAQ ====== Please edit this page if you have ideas for improvment! * [[Open VPN]]: How to connect to PCs of the IPKM from the outside. * [[SSH]]: Tips about SSH (Please note: HRZ may block SSH in the near future. You would need to be connected to the VPN first) * [[eduroam]]: eduroam WLAN setup information and HRZ guest accounts * [[TU Darmstadt email]]: Information about the HRZ mail account every employee gets. * [[mail|PKM-Mailaccounts]]: Setup, Spam, etc. for our own mail accounts. * [[Christmas Party]] 2021 * [[https://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/der_fachbereich/service_physik/software_physik/index.en.jsp|Mathematica]]: Install instructions/Physics department license * [[https://www.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de/services/it_services/campus_software/microsoft/microsoft_ees/informationen_beschaeftigte_ohne_gemanagten_pc/index.de.jsp|MS Office 365]]: TU Darmstadt personal license for employees is free. * [[QtiPlot]]: Data analysis and fitting Program for Linux/Windows/Mac * [[Onshape]]: CAD drawing program, highly recommended. * [[mk3s|3D Printer]] for IPKM * [[matrix|Matrix/Element]]: A self hosted communication server * [[seafile|Seafile]]: alternative software for DropBox and HessenBox, locally hosted at our institute * [[beverages|Coffe and other beverages]]: Where and how to get coffee and other beverages in your respective buildings. * [[backup|Backup]]: information about the backups at IPKM. * [[TUDatalib]] * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1515V-iWd-w1LXOfDTcqTGEUpBArXnNN1cplqEjrEjGg/edit#gid=0|Physics Colloquium]] Friday 2pm Uhrturmhörsaal (S2|08 171) * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-R0iByMs7gEB8rGKI-mvLyHdPXwp4jtUb6QnqQUyTEQ/edit#gid=0|IPKM Colloquium]] Monday 4:30pm IPKM lecture hall (S2|04 213) * [[Troubleshooting]]: General tips for troubleshooting, this helps the IT guys. * [[Link Shortener]]: Wie recommend [[https://t1p.de/]]